Inzany Toons Character: Kentucky Flied Duck

Who Do You Mix Between a Waterfowl to Wise Crazy Character?

Kentucky Flied Duck!

Kentucky Flied Duck is a Wacky Waterfowl With a Blue Neck, Red Feathers With His Body Suspender With Light Orange-Yellow Webfeet and an Orange Beak.
Also Kentucky Flied Duck Likes To Outsmart His Farmer "Odd McDonny" And He Always Takes a Pun of Laughs; And Kentucky Flied Duck Goes on His Wise Quack-Siting Adventures and he Always Outfoxes his Funny One-Shot Wonders.
But Frankly Don't Get Kentucky Flied Duck Confused with Disney's Donald Duck Who's Just Always Fowled Up Aggressive; But Kentucky Flied Duck's Catchphrase is "That's Em-beak-cable!"


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